Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization or SEO refers to the process of growing your online visibility in non-paid (organic) search engine results. SERPs or search engine results pages appear to users after they search for a given set of keywords using a search engine like Google or Bing. Each user receives an individualized results page based on keywords, the user’s location at the time of searching, and their browsing history.

Organic search results appear in a list and are ranked using the search engine’s algorithm. As users change the way they search and engage with online content, these algorithms change. The higher you rank on a SERP, the more traffic is directed to your site and the more chances of making a passive visitor an active customer.


SEO aims to direct more traffic to your website from members of your target audience. These are consumers who are actively searching for the products and services you offer, as well as users searching for more top of the funnel content.
If you’re a landscaper, for example, you may use SEO to increase your ranking in search results for the keyword, “residential landscaping design,” and, “common lawn weeds.” While these keywords have different intents, one transactional and another informational, they target your audience.
Due to that targeting, you encourage traffic to your website from users that matter.


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